Abstract drawings


When it comes to these two abstract drawings, the words  highlighted all tell a story. They reflect the emotions that I have felt in my life through out the years of me living. Each word on the pages were carefully selected to tell a story which then are connected to another word to add on to that story. when someone views these two pieces of work, I wanted them to almost be transported it my life and feel the anger, the sadness, and happiness that I have felt throughout my life. But theres also a twist two this pieces of work. Even though I know the story what I'm trying to say through the  drawings, when others  try to figure out my story they all might have a different view of what that story is. In a way people will come out with different versions of my story and what I'm trying to tell them. But thats the beauty of it. The pieces of work almost become a mystery and the viewer the detective. It becomes the viewers job to take the words and the others they are connected to and figure out what me as the artist is trying to say to them.   


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